Why Do You Stay? Why Don't You Move? After The Flood Of 2005, We hear This All The Time From Friends and Family. You May Find The Answer Here.
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Friday, August 21, 2009

I do not think it will be long before the Deer
are bold enough to knock on the door for food. a very common sight around here is 6 or 7 Deer lined up in the backyard eating the Duck's corn. The 2 in the picture came almost up to the front door while the single Fawn came within a few feet of the door. ( They ate my Pumpkin plants)


Anonymous said...

Steve and Jeanne, we love your blog. These babies could be the
ones from our yard. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

You are very creative when it comes to the explanations about why your pumpkins don't make it to full size. Looks like the trophy stays put again!