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Sunday, May 30, 2010

99.5 Degrees-Give or Take 20

Out of 34 Guinea Fowl eggs, only 2 hatched. I have never experienced such a low percentage. The optimum temperature is 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Part way through this hatch I lost all confidence with my thermometers. How can I have so many thermometers, and every one register a different reading. This was very frustrating. I ran around town attempting to locate a thermometer I could trust. I thought I found one at the local feed store, it was made for incubators. The problem with this one, the directions told me to calibrate it to a thermometer I knew was correct. I also went into one store, I lined up all the thermometers, and they all had different readings, some off by over 10 degrees.

This was so frustrating, I am starting to hyperventilate as I write this.

I have another 12 Guinea eggs and 6 Goose eggs in the incubator, and I am hoping for the best. Meanwhile, I will search for the perfect, affordable thermometer. I doubt Jeanne will let me mortgage the house for one.


Anonymous said...

That is so sad about your eggs. Do you think it was the hot weather? the thermometers may be affected by the humidity?? God bless you for trying. Love to all, Mom

Anonymous said...

That was so sad about your eggs. God bless you for trying. Love to all, Mom