Why Do You Stay? Why Don't You Move? After The Flood Of 2005, We hear This All The Time From Friends and Family. You May Find The Answer Here.
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Monday, November 15, 2010

Meet Oscar

We don't know much about Oscar. We don't know if he is a she or she is a he. We don't know if she is fixed or how old he/she might be.

What we do know, she showed up here and raided our garbage cans looking for scraps of food. At first I thought it was a raccoon paying us nightly visits. Then one night I caught a glance of this small cat running off. When I started to talk to her, she stayed hidden in the woods and answered me with meows. Jeanne took some food out to her and she devoured it, and now she comes back every night for more. She sleeps outside the camper and we set up a little shelter with a heat lamp to keep her warm. She is a little love bug, and so skinny you can feel her bones when you run your hand along her back.

So now we will end up taking Oscar to the Vet for a complete checkup and once he/she gets a clean bill of health, we will welcome her to join our family.


Anonymous said...

Oscar could see that you are expanding your home, so---why not join you. He/She was lucky to have been walking by

Anonymous said...

He/She is beautiful! I miss having a pet at times. They do give back much more than is recieved. Hopefully there ill be nothing wrong with it. Love you, Mom and Fred