Why Do You Stay? Why Don't You Move? After The Flood Of 2005, We hear This All The Time From Friends and Family. You May Find The Answer Here.
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Monday, August 3, 2009

A Full Hen House

The Hen House is full with our 16 Guinea Fowl and our flock of 4 Rhode Island Reds, 4 Barred Rocks, and 4 Buff Orpingtons. Now the girls need to start giving up some eggs.


Roberta said...

Steve: I shall check this out nightly.....you are soooo funny ....keep me going....Slugger

Stephanie & Willie said...

Hello Steve,
This is truly amazing what you are doing for these animals. I would love for me and willie to stop by some time the kids would love to see what you have done. Willie has not had a chance to see the email so I am excited to show him when he gets home. Take care. Oh by the way I completely understand why you live there it's home!!

My Best,
Stephanie Thomas