I do not wish to guess what the final straw was. It could have been the number of times I said, "No Honey,I do not see the trail of mud I tracked in." or how about,"What dishes in the sink?" it could even been the number of times I mistook the boy for the dog, and let me say this in my defence, Tommy will not need to worry about Fleas and Ticks for a long time. I think for me it was; when I could not differentiate between Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei when we watched the movie "The Wrestler"
Jeanne took me to the eye doctor today to get some real glasses.Up until this point I have been going to the Dollar Store for my glasses.
The Doctor told me my far away vision was weak and my up close was weaker, and that 1 eye is different then the other. What I needed was "BIFOCALS"
They now call them,Progressive Multifocal Length eyeglasses, they are the result of Benjamin Franklin’s original simple creation.
After Benjamin invented his Bifocal lenses, and while staying in France as an American Envoy, he wrote a friend in the United States.
”I cannot distinguish a letter even of large print; but am happy in the invention of double spectacles, which serving for distant objects as well as near ones, make my eyes as useful to me as ever they were: If all the other defects and infirmities were as easily and cheaply remedied, it would be worth while for friends to live a good deal longer…..”
I am thankful to both Benjamin Franklin and Jeanne for making me go, and when I get used to wearing my new spectacles, I will assume my rightful place and resume control of the remote control...
1 comment:
I have been blessed to wear glasses since I was 9 years old. If you are near sighted it gets better as you get older. Bifocals or as mine are called No-line!! do help. Thank goodness you will be able to see the seed catalogs, tv and all the good stuff you must have been missing. Love you, Mom
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