This stump has a story. It is not the story of how a seed took hold, sprouted, and grew into a tree.
This is a story about the day I cut it down and about my little friend,"KeeK"
The bank of the river is high in this location and when the river rises this area becomes an island. On one side the river turns into a powerful torrent and the other side is a shoulder deep depression that fills with water with a bit of a current.
A few years back, or more, the river was high, the low lying area had filled with water, and the island had formed. The problem was Keek was on the island and very scared. When I approached her she climbed a tree that hung out over the river. I tried to reach her by kayak, but this scared her farther up the tree and out over the river.
The river continued to rise and the strip of island would be submerged by morning. I kept my Kayak ready if Keek should fall into the river, but how was she going to get her to safety of dry land.
I picked this tree because it was tall enough to form a bridge from the slowly disappearing island to the safety of higher ground. I had to wade through waist deep freezing cold water to the house for a saw. The problem was I did not have a chainsaw at the time, so I grabbed the only saw I had, a small old dull bow saw, the type used to cut your own Christmas tree. With saw in hand I waded back out to the island and started to cut. I cut and cut and cut for more then 2 hours into the night, standing in ice cold water until finally the tree fell perfectly and formed the bridge that Keek needed to cross. I then waded back through the depression that was now chest deep, back to the house and into a hot shower. By the time I crawled out of the shower Keek was curled up on the bed sound asleep.
The next morning the area that was a island, was now completely under water.
So this stump has a story and I think I will let it stay.
Put a bird feeder on top! I would let it stay too. You always go above and beyond for your animals... It warms my heart because I know that you would do the same, above and beyond for my baby and her babies!! Love, Mom
Put a bird feeder on top! I would let it stay too. You always go above and beyond for your animals... It warms my heart because I know that you would do the same, above and beyond for my baby and her babies!! Love, Mom
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