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Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Finally Did It

Sometimes, there comes an event in ones life that is so memorable, that you must share the news.
After a number of very disappointing attempts, I am extremely proud to announce I have successfully hatched my first batch of crickets.
Many attempts failed because the substrate the crickets laid their eggs in would dry out, or stay to wet and mold would grow.

They are so tiny, If I did not have my glasses on, I might have missed it.
I moved them from my custom homemade cricket incubator to a brooder, and fed them my own special Cricket Chow formula. The first 72 hours are critical.

For some reason, which I do not understand, I don't think Jeanne and Jordan are all that impressed with this major break through.

I think I will go wake he Boy so he can share in the glory of my accomplishment.

11:30 pm..Maybe if I know whats good for me, I will wait until morning.


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you!! I have been waiting for the update on the crickets. You were probably wise to wait till morning.... Heaven only knows what Jeanne would have done!! Keep up the good work. I love the blog. And all of you, Mom

Tamij said...

WOW, Steve, you could not make this stuff up:) So what are you going to do with them? Pardon me if I missed previous posts on this :(

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your accomplishment!