Not even I can explain some of the things that go on inside my head. I do not know why, so I can not explain it,but for a very long time, I have wanted a Wooden Cattle Stanchion. A stanchion was used by dairy farmers, mostly during milking. The stanchion would open and then slipped over the cows head and closed. this would hold the cow in place while she was milked.
Now I ask you, how Lucky am I? A fellow in town, not far from my house was giving a few away. I have been cleaning them up with Murphy's Oil soap, and after that I really don't know what I am going to do with them.
A couple of things I do know, not many people have antique wooden cow stanchions, and I now can go sit and look at mine anytime I want.
Maybe we can get a cow or something so we can use them.
Facebook won the battle
14 years ago
They are beautiful!! A cow would be nice.... free fertilizer for your garden, milk to go with the eggs... Love, Mom
They are beautiful!! A cow would be nice.... free fertilizer for your garden, milk to go with the eggs... Love, Mom
I have one hung sideways with an antique quilt hanging on it.Luv it !!!
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