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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Swamp Smiled

A new baby was born today.

It started around 11am today. Mama Goose became a Mama, and she wanted everyone to know.
First the 12 grey geese came for a look, followed by the chickens and guineas.
Mama and Papa goose had their hands full chasing everyone away, when up from the river came Grandpa Swamp,( the Swan) who immediately took over crowd control.

Both geese are very protective parents and will not let anything near their new baby, except for Swamp. He is allowed to walk up to the baby, and has earned this right.

Swamp has stood guard for the past 30 days, and has gone as far as setting on the nest while Mama and Papa goose returned to the river, sometimes taking an entire night shift.

It will be interesting to watch the dynamics of this family unfold. I hope with Swamps help they can keep this little one safe.

I am somewhat sure, I saw Swamp smile today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! What are you naming it?? It is yellow? - I never
knew that they were born yellow. Swamp is doing a good job and I believe you did see a smile. Love, Mom