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Thursday, July 15, 2010

What Have I Done

We have a beautiful old Crabapple tree in the front yard. Early this past Spring I would climb the tree and reach down and hoist the boy up with me. We would sit and watch the Chickadees come in for a snack of black oil sunflower seeds and I would let go with the only bird call I know. "Chicka Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee, Chicka Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee. Well actually, I also do a decent Duck and Rooster.

Yesterday the boy was attempting to climb the Crabapple with out my help. He was having a bit of trouble getting started and called out, "Can I get a little help here". Being to lazy to get up out of my chair I hollered back, "Pretend a pack of hungry coyotes are after you", This worked and he climbed that Crabapple for the first time. I think he realized that he had crossed a milestone in a boys life by climbing a tree unassisted, and he raised his fist in the air and yelled, "I AM THE KING OF THE WORLD", My abundant pride was soon squashed when he then started imitating a Chickadee. Chicka Dee Dee Dee Dee.

I thought, what have I done to this boy. What if he does this in the presence of others. I think it is acceptable for a 51 year old man to sit in a tree and imitate a Chickadee. But if the boy ever does that around his buddies at school, he might get picked on, or a reputation of being a bit odd like his uncle.

As I type out this post, I can hear him at his computer imitating a Crow.

I am so sorry!


Anonymous said...

Don't be sorry for giving him the joy of birding!! Teach him the Phoebe call. Actually the blue jay has a lot of different ones. Love, Mom

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