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Sunday, February 24, 2013

I Want, I need Spring

A record setting blizzard, bone chilling cold, and 1 to many days of grey skys.

Saturday the temperatures hit a balmy 40 degrees and the outlook for the week ahead is more temps in the forty's.It truly feels like a heat wave.

Yesterday I took my chair to the river and sat, listened and watched. In a very short amount of time I watched a Coopers Hawk land in a nearby tree and scope the area looking for lunch. I watched a couple of Ring Neck Ducks floating close to the resident flock of Mallards that spend the winter here. This was my first time watching Ring Necked Ducks and I must say they lifted my spirits.

I watched a Mink while he patrolled the river bank and chuckled when he accidentally bumped into a Muskrat. I watched Robins, and was mesmerised by the magnified beauty of a small flock of Bluebirds.

I really need Spring and eagerly await the sound of spring peepers filling the air with their love songs on a warm spring night, but until then I will just take my chair down to the river and watch, and if no other creatures happen to pass by, I am sure Swamp the Swan will stop to say, "hey"..

Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!

Sitting Bull