Why Do You Stay? Why Don't You Move? After The Flood Of 2005, We hear This All The Time From Friends and Family. You May Find The Answer Here.
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Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Wish Came True.

I have waited for this day since I moved here. I have seen Beaver, Mink, and Muskrat on the river. Today is the day the Boy and I had the most fantastic luck of all.
WE watched a family of Otters on the river.I believe the family consisted of at least four. I think the word Frolic became a word because of the the Otter. It was so thrilling to watch and even more thrilling to know they are visiting the Homestead. In this picture, if you look close, there are 3 Otters.

The river is a natural highway for wildlife, and I know it is just a matter of time before I am writing about a Moose.
Living here is all about the river.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, to have been with you and the boy!! That must have been a real sight to see..... God is good to you because you take care of his land and his creatures!! The boy will have a legacy from you to treasure!! The river is really beautiful and I can see why you love it so... Love, Mom