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Monday, January 11, 2010

Spring Robin?

Today is Jan 11 2010 and while sitting up in my tree I spotted this American Robin. Could this be a sign that Spring is around the corner? Most of us associate the return of the Robin as a true sign of Spring. I really wish it was true. The fact is not all Robins migrate down to warm tropical temperatures.
During the Spring and Summer when they are feeding on insects and earthworms, they are easily spotted on the ground in your front yard. During Winter months the pockets of Robins that overwinter are feeding on Berries and Fruits, and this food source is found in woodlands and thickets. When a source of food is difficult to find, Robins move farther south. When food source is more readily available, they seem to overwinter in northern locales in higher numbers.

So what can we use as a indicator that Spring is near?
Try a Calender and put a X on March 20th.
When you see a Robin pull a Earthworm from the ground, you should be safe to think Spring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What were you doing sitting in "your tree"?? Which tree do you sit in:). Thanks for the information on robins. I have seen them in the past in the winter and just thought they got left behind.. Have a great week. Love to all, Mom