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Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Bone Collector

The study of bones and teeth is referred to as osteology. It is frequently used in anthropology, archeology and forensic science.

It is getting harder and harder to come up with something to do that rivals watching Full House reruns.
Friday after school my goal was to get the kids out in the woods before the next 3 days of rain. When I asked who wants to go bone hunting, Jordan forgot about her favorite TV show and quickly volunteered. The boy agreed to go as long as he could hunt alligators along the way.

We collected bones of a deer that had fallen 2 years ago. The artifacts were spread out in a area covered with thick thorn bushes and you would have thought Jordan was on a Easter egg hunt. She made her way through those thickets like a pro.
She has always showed a strong interest in the odd things I have collected. I don't think she plans on sharing any of her collection with me.
We now have them soaking in a bleach solution, and after we will try to identify the different bones.

Maybe, If Jordan becomes a Anthropologist or Archaeologist, she could take her Old Uncle along to her study locations. I would promise to stay in my rocking chair.

If not I could go alligator hunting with he boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to love looking for bones and things in NH. I haven't tried here yet. You are doing such wonderful things with the children. There is so much more to life than TV re-runs. It sounds like real adventures on the river front. Keep up the exciting FUN! Love, Mom