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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Seize The Moment

Call it a moment of weakness, and I took advantage and jumped on the opportunity. I asked Jeanne if I could bring home Chester, and I was expecting to hear, "over my dead body".
Amazingly she said, "YES", but she has warned me if it gets loose in her house, my days as a snake charmer would be numbered.

Chester is a 4 foot, 7 year old Corn snake and I think he is beautiful. Corn snakes are bred in captivity by the thousands, and come in many different colors and patterns that are not found in the wild populations of Corn Snakes. He came with the name Sven, but I don't think Sven will mind being called Chester. Except for being slightly underweight, Chester is in great shape. I think the gentleman who owned Chester before me was feeding mice that were to small. The mouse should leave a bump for about 24hrs as it makes it's way through the snake, and the mice that Chester was eating disappeared within a hour or so.

We only feed what are referred to as frozen mice. These mice are raised for snake food and frozen and packaged. They come in many sizes and is very convenient. We would never feed wild caught mice because of parasites, and we would never feed live mice because they could bite the snake and do damage, and mostly because, years ago I attempted to feed a live mouse to a snake and could not do it. I ended up with a pet mouse. Jordan and Jeanne bought a frozen mouse at the pet store yesterday and Jeanne was somewhat put off by the sight, but Jordan was fascinated and carried it out of the pet store with pride and showed everyone along the way. They only eat once a week and we have designated Friday night as family night when we can all get together as a family and feed Chester. ( I don't think this will be a tradition that will catch on)

Jeanne's dad was here when I left to pick up Chester, and he asked Jeanne why in the world I would want a Snake? She replied: "because that's what he does".

I hope the family will take the time to build a loving relationship with Chester.
I will give it more time, but I won't bet on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chester is very attractive!! But I would not like to share his domain. Love, Mom