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Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Perfect Tool & Week Ahead

You can keep your laser levels and fancy do-dads,I just love my Plumb Bob. This tool has been in use since 2600 BC, and I think if I was ever to start collecting an old tool, it would be the Plumb Bob. Perhaps we will name a cat,dog,snake or something "Plumb Bob".

The up coming week should be exciting. We should start back filling the basement and I will post more on that when we start.

On Tuesday we will receive our delivery of building materials from Willards of Willimantiic. This includes something like 40 18' ibeams.
On Saturday, weather permitting we will be joined by friends and family for a good old fashion barn raising. Ron stopped by yesterday and we had a little planning session. My job this week is to do as much prep work as possible so that we don't waste any time Saturday.
Ron's goal is both floors and walls, and maybe the roof started.
Jeanne's goal is 100% done, move in ready.
I will meet my goal if I am still alive at the end of the day.

This weekend I worked on the front porch and continued to dig the four foot deep, 16 inch wide holes for the porch supports. I want to have these done and inspected before Doug Cates returns to pour the new basement floor. I really don't want to hand mix all that concrete.

Somethings I should not do. Somethings I can't do. And somethings I just don't want to do.
Installing the permanent lolly columns falls into all 3 categories. Willie and I put in the temp supports above, but I think I will hire out the permanent installation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are making amazing progress!! It is really wonderful that you are so talented! My Jeanne has a jewel in you in more ways than carpentry. Good luck this week! Lov, Mom and Fred