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Friday, May 20, 2011

Dangerous Crossings

Yesterday I spotted a small Painted Turtle, attempting to cross the road in our neighborhood. As I turned the car around to execute a rescue, I watched as she was nearly squashed by 2 trucks passing by her.

With the warm weather approaching, the turtles are on the move as they search for a mate and nesting sites. Some populations of turtles are seriously affected by encounters with vehicles and some say is a major factor in their decline.

It only takes a few moments to save a life. As long as you don't endanger your life. Stop and help the little creature reach it's destination. If possible move it in the direction that it was headed. They say you should not relocate the turtle to a new area, but the painted turtle is very common and its numbers in the wild are strong, so I had no problem removing her from certain death, and releasing her on our farm near the water.

It only takes seconds, but it is a very satisfying experience knowing you saved such a awesome little creature that is often overlooked and under appreciated..


Anonymous said...

She is beautiful! Did you name her/him? Love your sign! Have you found Chester yet?? Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful! Did you name her/him? Love your sign! Have you found Chester yet?? Love, Mom