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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Next Home Improvement Star

Bob Villa, Norm Abrams, Holmes on Holmes, and "Tim The Tool Man Taylor", all got there start somewhere.

Splitting a gnarly, stubborn piece of cheery can at times become a ruthless challenge that can put the whole idea of cutting and splitting your own firewood in question.

I recently faced that battle with some extremely tough cheery that did not want to split. Every time I raised the maul up above my head and brought it down on some of that cherry, the maul would barely make a indentation. Each time I would hear in the back ground, "come on you can do it' "FOCUS" "FOCUS" "FOCUS". By now the muscles in my arms burned and he stopped me and started to explain what i was doing wrong and I should "FOCUS". So I focused, and with all the might I could muster up, I slammed that maul down on the exact spot he laid out for me, and it split.

I believe this went to his head and while I caught my breath, he went on to explain that I need to "FOCUS" on the spot I want to hit.

I decided to grab the camera, more because it would give me a reason to sit down, and told him to teach me about chainsaw/firewood safety.

Just to be clear, when the saw is running, he is many yards away. He maybe takes a little creative liberties with his training video, but I will say after the wood was split by me, he loaded all of it and drove it up to the house.

Ladies and Gentleman, Chainsaw Safety with the Boy.


Anonymous said...

Loved the video and Tommy is very informative on his safety tips. I'll remind my husband to stay focused when he's cutting wood!!!

mac8429 said...

Hey Steve - I would love to hear a comment on my post to you on All Nighters. I can't seem to find anyone like you who worked there. Please post a reply. Thanks in advance!!!!!!!