Why Do You Stay? Why Don't You Move? After The Flood Of 2005, We hear This All The Time From Friends and Family. You May Find The Answer Here.
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Monday, October 19, 2009

I think everyone knows the unmistakable beauty of The Colorado Blue Spruce. Well here is a seedling I recently hatched. It starts out as fragile as a blade of grass and turns into a magnificent stately tree. I purchased some evergreen seeds from http://www.datreestore.com/ . Actually I purchased approximately 1500 seeds. Along with the Blue Spruce, I received,Rocky Mountain Juniper, Western Red Cedar, Eastern Red Cedar, Bald Cypress, and a tree that I have never seen except for pictures, The Dawn Redwood, metasequoia glyptostroboides. This is a truly fascinating tree that was once thought to be extinct but was found in a remote valley in China in the 1940s. Interesting reading can be found at http://www.dawnredwood.org/HISTORY.htm. I really want to grow these trees. You might say I am feeling a bit obsessed with the Dawn Redwood. I found a supplier of seedlings online, but I am waiting for them to restock.

A lot of work goes into growing a tree from a seed and I am quite sure I will not be around to experience the tree in all its glory. So why do it? I think it is part challenge, part I enjoy growing things, and maybe my impermanence and legacy. Now I do not know who planted the giant Fir Trees in front of my house Or the Red Pines nearby. Or even the mighty Hemlocks that once stood in a favorite place I used to hike daily. But I do, now and then close my eyes and picture someone from long ago putting those seedlings in the ground. Maybe one day in the future someone will look at a tree I planted and be thankful I did, even if they don't know my name.

After all we still remember Johnny Appleseed!!


Anonymous said...

Are you putting in the trees in the field? I think it is wonderful
to plant the tiny seedlings, even if one never gets to see the the final growth, like you say, someone will!! You have such insight into nature and all. Mom

Roberta said...

When I was a kid in Springfield,Ma growing up Johnny Appleseed park was where we all got together.. I often wondered about that park and I bet today no one would even dare drive in that neighborhood....so sad...keep planting Steve