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Sunday, July 25, 2010

We Got Snoods Here

I am very thrilled to announce, for the first time here, we finally have a couple of "snoods". At this time they may be tiny snoods, but they are our first snoods so we are very proud of our little snoods.

I was a bit surprised that with my poor eyesight, I was still able to spot my first snood, and ever since I must admit I'm feeling a bit giddy about our snoods.

I can't help thinking, if I get so excited about snoods, what will happen when we get our first Wattles?

I decided to share a picture of our first snoods. Click on the picture below, and If you look carefully at Bob, you will see a little bump on his forehead. This grows into a long fleshy growth that will grow down over the Turkey's bill. The wattle is the fleshy growth under the throat.

This flesh turns red, bright red, blue, and pale depending on the bird's mood and health.

I promise to post pictures of the snoods as they grow and to keep you posted on the wattles.

Maybe Jeanne is not quite as excited about the snoods as I, "but she should be."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is exciting! Do they determine
the sex?? Love you all. Mom