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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

One Man's Treasure

In the basement is a 2' by 2' sump pump hole cut into the floor.
Now and then, when I peek into this pit I find treasure. I found this little spotted salamander this week.
When I was a youngster in Elementary School, I remember one of my classmates bringing a spotted salamander to school. I was so mesmerised by this little creature, I think I would have traded my Squirrel tooth.

I have not lost my fascination for these little creatures and I no longer carry snakes in my pocket. (sorry Maryann ) so we will keep him until spring, and release him out in the wild, so that he might continue to propagate the species.

OK... maybe I do still carry snakes around, but I don't scare girls with them.

OK..OK.. It is not my fault if Jeanne is afraid of snakes.


Anonymous said...

I love the spotted salamander. We
had them in New Hampshire. I am really afraid of snakes too. Maybe Jeanne takes after me in something?? Love you, Mom & Fred

Anonymous said...

I love the spotted salamander. We
had them in New Hampshire. I am really afraid of snakes too. Maybe Jeanne takes after me in something?? Love you, Mom & Fred