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Friday, March 5, 2010

Beaver Patrol

The majority of the beaver's diet is made up of tree bark and cambium, the soft green tissue that grow under the bark of a tree.
This pictures shows last nights smorgasbord on the river.

Very early this morning I awoke to music coming from Jordan's room. She had a bad dream about a Fox and could not sleep.
So what to do at 4am when we can't sleep?

Jordan and I headed to the river with a flashlight and cameras in hand. The first thing we spotted was a muskrat, shortly after we heard the awesome sound of a beaver slapping his tail to give warning of the Pink Predator on shore.(Like always, Jordan was dressed in pink) We then spotted the large beaver with our spotlight but, because of darkness we could not get a picture.

It has been awhile since we have seen the local beavers. Here on the river they do not build the traditional lodge associated with beavers. Instead they dig deep tunnels into the river bank.

Jeanne overheard Jordan and myself as we bundled up for our adventure, she thought we were nuts, but thankfully she was much to sleepy to stop us.
And I give Jordan a lot of credit, after having a bad dream about a fox, she was still brave enough to venture outside in the pitch dark.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She knew that you would protect her from anything harmful! Aren't you the Knight in Shining Armor with the green plantcam? You have such wonderful adventures. I want to come and live on the river:o)
Love, Mom