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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Local Beauty

No need for traveling to far off tropical locations!
If you want to observe incredible, beauty in the bird world, just look around.
The Wood Duck is said to be one of the most beautiful of all waterfowl. I do agree with this assessment, but I must add, I have always found the Mallard to be equally stunning.

We have a small stream that defines one of our boundary lines, I placed my Plantcam close to the stream, set the camera to snap a shot very 30 seconds, threw some corn in he water, and Shazam!! I caught this picture.

Wood Ducks are not uncommon around here, and we see them often. The challenge is, getting close enough for a photo opportunity. With my Plantcam, I can cheat..
I do hope to get a crisper shot in the near future.

Did I say, "I love my Plantcam"...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your plantcam too because I would never get that close to a wood duck in my lifetime. You take incredible pictures. Love, Mom and Fred