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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Black Racer

According to the CT DEP, "Racers are a declining species within the state, having disappeared from many areas".

It doesn't help the species when something bites off their heads. This one would have measured about 5' if it was still intact.
I found these remains out in the field, and I am no CSI, but the wounds made me think a hawk tried to take this one. We do have some Red Tails nesting in the area, and they have been spotted carrying snakes.

A few years ago when Eric, 'our plumber' was working on the house, he told me he went to reach for, what he thought was a 10' piece of black pipe he had in the back yard, and it moved.

This was a beautiful animal, and I really prefer to find them alive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Personally, I like the headless
variety. It is sad though if they are a declining version. Maybe your nests will encourage pro-creation. Love, Mom