Why Do You Stay? Why Don't You Move? After The Flood Of 2005, We hear This All The Time From Friends and Family. You May Find The Answer Here.
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Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Polls Are Open

I think the debate we are having, is a debate that will plague the minds of hard working, intelligent, sensitive men for a thousand and one years.

What is tougher?

1)Risking ones life and limb to climb up on a steep, slippery, cold, icy, snow covered, windswept, roof, in the freezing cold, and shoveling 2074 cubic feet, or 20740 lbs of snow off the roof.( did I mention frozen, and near frost bitten fingers and toes?)


2) Bringing 2 weeks of laundry for a family of 4 to the Laundromat. ( sitting and reading a book while you work hard to lift those quarters into the machine)

I won't say who is on which side of this debate. But because I would prefer not to wear pink socks and underwear, I had better vote for number 2!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pray that soon you will have the plumbing for the washer. That is a lot of snow!!! Keep warm, Love, Mom and Fred